
User Guide

Duke is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimised for use via a command line interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can manage and organise your tasks faster than traditional GUI apps. The chat interface also gives users a more personal feeling.

Quick start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest Duke Jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke program.
  4. Double click the file to start the app for Windows, or run java -jar duke.jar for Mac. You should be seeing the below GUI after a few seconds:

welcome page

  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

Some example commands you can try:


ℹ️ Notes about the command format:

Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo task to the list of tasks.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

Example of usage:

Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a task which has a deadline to the list of tasks.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATETIME

⚠️ For DATE TIME parameters in both deadline and event features, only the following formats are accepted:

Format Example
d/M/yyyy 9/10/2020
d MMM yyyy 9 Oct 2020
d MMMM yyyy 9 October 2020
d-M-yyyy 9-10-2020
d/M/yyyy 2020-10-9
Format Example
Hmm 2359
HH:mm 15:30

Example of usage:
deadline return book /by 15/09/2020 2359

👍 All dates and time are displayed as dd MMM yyyy h:mm A

Adding an event: event

Adds an event to the list of tasks.


ℹ️ Refer to Adding a deadline: deadline to find out the accepted date and time formats.

Example of usage:
event meeting /at 9 Oct 2020, 10/10/2020 4:30 PM

Tagging a task: tag

Sets a tag to a task item.

Format: tag INDEX #TAGNAME

Example of usage:

Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all existing tasks.

Format: list

Listing today’s task: today

Shows a list of all time-based tasks, such as event and deadline tasks, that are happening today.

Format: today

Listing uncompleted tasks: uncompleted

Shows a list of all tasks that have not been completed yet.

Format: uncompleted.

Listing completed tasks: completed

Shows a list of all tasks that have already been completed yet.

Format: completed.

Listing overdue tasks: overdue

Shows a list of all tasks that are overdue and have not been completed.

Format: overdue.

Searching for a task: find

Finds tasks whose description matches the keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD


Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task as completed.

Format: done INDEX

ℹ️ INDEX refers to the index of the task as displayed when executing list.

Example of usage:
done 1

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task from the list of tasks.

Format: delete INDEX

ℹ️ INDEX refers to the index of the task as displayed when executing list.

Example of usage:
delete 1

Providing a list of possible commands: help

Provides a list of possible commands that the user can use within the application.

Format: help

Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

Saving the data

All tasks are saved in the hard drive automatically after every command and once the program has terminated as well. There is no need to save manually.

💡 Data is stored in /data/duke.txt relative to the home folder.

Command summary

Action Format Examples
todo todo DESCRIPTION todo read book
deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /at DATE TIME deadline return book /by 15/9/2020 2359
event event DESCRIPTION /at (DATE TIME event meeting /at 15/9/2020 1100
tag tag INDEX #TAGNAME tag 1 #sports
list list  
today today  
uncompleted uncompleted  
completed completed  
overdue overdue  
find find KEYWORDS find book
done done INDEX done 3
delete delete INDEX delete 2
bye bye  
help help